For the Love of Learning

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Goods and Services

Over the last few weeks our class has been learning about goods and services. Students worked to define the following words: career, income, goods, and services.  We read books, watched video clips, and studied magazines to help us better understand.  The students were assigned a take-home career collage project, where they were asked to choose a career, write a short essay about their choice, and provide pictures of people performing the job.  They turned out great!
In addition, our class partnered up with two other second grade classes. Each class chose a different community and created jobs that would be found there.  The students were "hired" at their jobs and were required to either make a good or provide a service.  The students decided on the name of their business and created their advertisements.  On the last day of the unit all three classes came together and had a "market."  Each employee had been paid for their work and were able to purchase something from one of the other stores.
My class was from an urban (city) community.  They voted on the name of our city and after a close race we ended up with "Candy Land."  The businesses we were in charge of were two nail salons and two shoe shining companies. The girls came up with the names "Zebra Nails" and "Amber's Nails." The boys decided on, "Shiny Shoes" and "Gold Shoes."  On the day of the market they were SO EXCITED! I was very proud of all of their hard work! And even better yet, no one had to be fired! ;)



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